Welcome back to sun-kissed, zombified Arizona. Narrated by the unmistakable quips of our dark-humored protagonist, Arizona Sunshine 2 sets you on an all-new limb-strewn adventure in search of answers. In a post-apocalyptic world where every bullet counts, experience the thrill of realistic comb...
磨利砍刀,装填霰弹枪:该来问候一下您的老朋友弗雷德殭尸了。深受粉丝喜爱的 VR 末日灾难游戏次世代续作《Arizona Sunshine® 2》,为您带来更血腥的殭尸行动! 类型:射击,冒险 视角:虚拟现实 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:单人,多人,合作 主题:动作 亚利桑那阳光 2 ...
• Only in VR: Arizona Sunshine is a VR shooter exclusively built for VR. Step into the midst of a zombie apocalypse as if you were really there and take on the undead unlike ever before. Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy...
《亚利桑那阳光:重制版》(Arizona Sunshine Remake)将于2024年10月17日发售,登陆PlayStation VR2,游戏支持简体中文。 本作是一款第一人称射击打僵尸游戏,支持单人游玩或最多4人合作。重制版包含了原版所有DLC及更新内容,并对画面、战斗系统和武器进行了全面提升。
Arizona Sunshine 2 PC (VR) 168,09 CNY -44% Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition PC 251,79 CNY -43% Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 PC 283,29 CNY -28% Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered PC 323,79 CNY -65% No Man's Sky PC ...
Arizona Sunshine VR PC ¥ 73.49 立即购买 信息 关于游戏 注意事项需要虚拟现实头盔。更多信息请参见系统要求。 亚利桑那阳光 2》(Arizona Sunshine® 2)是深受粉丝喜爱的虚拟现实启示录的次世代续作,其中包含更多血腥僵尸动作!欢迎回到阳光明媚、僵尸化的亚利桑那州。亚利桑那阳光 2》以主人公黑色幽默的调侃为背景...
2:全小黄鸭收集。一共只有4个 第一关(非出生那个序章)又两个,第一次听完录音机后,一个僵尸破门而入之后,出门正前方SUV后备箱里面有一个,还有弹夹若干。 第二个,还是第一关,走过一大堆车之后,出了马路看到一个两层的酒吧,在1楼的置物架上有一个。
Arizona Sunshine is all about VR shooting, so it has been our top priority to get this absolutely right. Up until even last week we have been tweaking gun configurations to make it feel really intuitive. The two-handed guns have received multiple passes on realism and control comfort (Honestl...
Volledige algemene voorwaarden zijn van toepassing: playstation.com/PSNTerms. 2 Mogelijk moet je eerst je PS5-systeemsoftware updaten. 'PlayStation', 'PlayStation Family Mark', 'PS5-logo' en 'PS5' zijn handelsmerken of gedeponeerde handelsmerken van ...
Adere ao PlayStation Plus e desfruta de acesso imediato a uma enorme biblioteca de jogos da PS5 e PS4 em constante evolução todos os meses, com vários planos de subscrição2 que se adaptam a forma como jogas. Centenas de jogos disponíveis para jogar Escolhe a tua próxima...