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Arizona State University(also referred to asASU, orArizona State) is the largest public research university in the United States under a single administration, with a 2009 student enrollment of 68,064. ASU is spread across four campuses in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. ASU was founded in 1885 ...
Master's Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 2007. 48. Du Bray, E.A. (Ed.) Mineral Resource Potential and Geology of Coronado National Forest, Southeastern Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico; U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, USA, 1996. 49. Cook, J.P.; You...
Evaluation of Water Conservation from More Efficient Irrigation Systems; Staff Paper 06-03; Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University: Manhattan, KS, USA, 2006. 59. Pfeiffer, L.; Lin, C.Y.C. Does efficient irrigation technology lead to reduced groundwater extraction? Empirical...