If you no longer have access to the email address you used when you set up the account, please call Customer Service or chat online with an agent by clicking on the link below, or calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below). ...
After 40 years reading the Star, changes have transitioned its format, reporting, and ownership. It is perplexing when news of Tucson is reported in the a Az Republic but not our Tucson paper though they are owned by the same company. (We miss Fitzsimmons.)Since we began our on line pape...
Wichner, David
working phone with voicemail capability + Must be able to use initiative and independent judgment within established guidelines + Must be organized and punctual + Professional attitude and well-groomed appearance + Candidate must display exceptional customer service, communication and people skills + ...
By Ryan RandazzoThe Republic | azcentral.comTue Oct 15, 2013 3:08 PM A tiny leak inside the Unit 3 reactor at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station could delay reopening of the unit as long as 30 days and cost Arizona Public Service Co. and the other plant owners $10 million to $15...