Between 1977 and 1987, Arizona led the nation in the growth of personal income and employment and was second only to Nevada in the rate of population growth (Chart 1). Job creation during this period exceeded one-half million, and population grew by 40 percent. Since the mid-1980s, ...
The Arizona Problem, as Soleri aptly named it, remains. Despite a Democratic governor, attorney general, and secretary of state, the Legislature — the most powerful branch of state government likely will remain in Republican hands. If so, stopping sprawl, enabling cities to chart their own poli...
The next chart uses the Census Bureau’s projection for the increase in the 5-17 year old Arizona population, and puts it into context by comparing it to the size of the charter school and private choice populations of Arizona. Arizona’s charter school law passed in 1994, and the scholars...
Synoptic chart of selected cultural chronologies from central and southern Arizona Q:\Archaeology\807.40 WPS 115kv\Subsequent Submittal_03-06-12\CRI_SRP Superior-Silver King 115kv Line Reroute_03-06-12.docx SUPERIOR TO SILVER KING 115 KV TRANSMISSIO...
Alfalfa is a year-round crop in Central Arizona with cuttings occurring approximately every two months, diagramatically illustrated in the hypothetical FAO-56 crop coefficient chart (Figure 4). Unfortunately for this study, temporal sampling by satellites was not sufficient to detect cutting dates ...
Alfalfa is a year-round crop in Central Arizona with cuttings occurring approximately every two months, diagramatically illustrated in the hypothetical FAO-56 crop coefficient chart (Figure 4). Unfortunately for this study, temporal sampling by satellites was not sufficient to detect cutting dates ...