Ring v. Arizona: The Sixth and Eighth Amendments Collide: Out of the Wreckage Emerges a Constitutional Safeguard for Capital DefendantsJason E. Barsanti
(Arizona) Chapter. “Rather than taking advantage of our 300-plus days of sunshine and growing solar industry and the jobs its provides, legislators passed a bill to hinder installations and even considered proposed constitutional amendments that would have likely destroyed the rooftop solar industry...
Guns should be banned.A lot of people think that. In many places where legal gun ownership has been banned or limited, crime has escalated. While no system is perfect, a lot of gun owners would prefer to keep their constitutional rights intact. I hate guns.Everyone's entitled to an opini...
II . CONSTITUTIONAL PREMISES It is most fitting to begin an inquiry into the constitutional precedents by surveying the limits on confessions the Court has evolved under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is so because these cases show that there exists a workable and effecti...
this was a significant step forward. Segue to 2009. Obama spoke in broad outlines about what he hoped health-care reform would achieve. He turned the crafting of the bill over to Congress, and let the sausage-making proceed. This is the Constitutional system we have in place, and one you...
The right to abortion is a fundamental constitutional right.Caseyexplicitly reaffirmedRoe'sholding in this regard, stating that " [e]ven on the assumption that the central holding ofRoewas in error, that error would go only to the strength of the state interest in fetal protection, not to ...