Campus and location University of Arizona campuses Tucson Campus Tucson, home of the University of Arizona, is known for its Southwestern beauty. This region of the US is recognizable in films for its swirls of earthy orange rock formations and vivid candy-colored sunsets. Tourist destinations, li...
Explore The University of Arizona Global Campus reviews, rankings, and statistics. Is it the right college for you? Rankings, stats, and reviews on admissions, academics, student life, and more. This is Transfer and Admissions Information for The Uni
School Offering Program: University of Arizona Global Campus Degree Level: Bachelor's Program Prerequisites: Strong analytical, problem solving, and critical thinking skills are important for incoming students of this program, as operations managers are called on to provide solutions, evaluate policies...
The University of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC) is committed to ensuring an inclusive curriculum that reflects diversity, equity, and inclusion. To achieve this, UAGC has developed the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Course Audit Rubric, which assesses the extent to which DEI principle...
With a GPA of 3.03,University of Arizona Global Campus accepts below-average students. It's OK to be a B-average student, with some A's mixed in. If you took some AP or IB classes, this will help boost your weighted GPA and show your ability to take college classes. ...
TheUniversity of Arizonaismoving forward with fully integratingits acquired online campus, theUniversity of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC). This contentious consolidation, proponents argue, could save the university millions of dollars, while critics see it as a potential financial...
2023年2月19日,清控至道教育-美国亚利桑那大学全球校区(University of Arizona Global Campus,简称UAGC)开学典礼圆满举行!百特大中国高级质量总监胡仲新同学,作为新生代表,表达了自己孜孜向学的心声和决心。 胡仲新同学 以下是发言全文: Dear Professors , Dear Program leader and Classmates, ...
Arizona State University-Global Launch Intensive English Program 在Global Launch,我们相信语言学习不仅仅是听、说、读、写。在我们的课程中,您将在社交和课堂环境中进行交流、了解美国文化风俗、撰写学术论文,并进行大学级别的口头报告。当您顺利完成 Global Launch 的课程,您将带着您在任何英语语言环境脱颖而出并...
University of Arizona offers a number of student services, including nondevelopmental tutoring, women's center, placement service, day care, health service, and health insurance. University of Arizona also offers campus safety and security services like 24-hour foot and vehicle patrols, late night ...
亚利桑那大学(The University of Arizona)位于亚利桑那州图森(Tucson)市,是亚利桑那州的第一所综合性公立大学,成立于1885年。亚利桑那大学在天文、植物科学、生物医学科学、商业、法律、音乐舞蹈等专业位列全球一流水平,为世界带来了有价值的教育经验。UA提供150余个专业方向,超过300门不同学位课程。