The AZSVI is a product of the Arizona Health Improvement Plan (AZHIP) Data Advisory Committee (DAC), created in partnership with Arizona State University (ASU), Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) GIS, and the ADHS Office of Health Equity. Funding for this project was provided throug...
Whenever tests are used to make high-stakes decisions, especially about vulnerable populations (e.g., children), it is the test developers' responsibility to ensure the instrument yields fair and valid results. When cut scores are used as the primary interpretation of the test they are key to...
Federal officials have backtracked on plans to cancel a lease for office space in New Mexico where dozens of U.S. Department of Energy employees who oversee the nation’s only underground nuclear waste repository are based Associated PressMarch 7, 2025 ...
For example, strongly held cultural beliefs about the danger of using up limited sperm reserves, may impact vulnerable individuals to develop concerns about sexual performance, leading to anxiety which may in turn promote the onset and maintenance of problems (Bhugra & De Silva, 2009). However, ...
where they live. But no Arizona tax dollars go to support this mission. Instead, the sales of hunting and fishing licenses are the primary source of funding. However, these funds are not keeping pace with the cost of wildlife management, leaving our native animals vulnerable at a critical ...
● In state and out of state travel, contact with vulnerable adults. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities (KSAs): Knowledge in: ● Effective development and delivery of human service programs and services - Relevant experience overseeing federal and/or state programs, with specific experience related to...
"Together we thrive as a community through partnerships with valued organizations like Arizona Helping Hands," said Executive Assistant Chief Sean Connolly of the Phoenix Police Department. "Our goals align with the best interests of the most vulnerable of our community at heart. We look forward t...
Tulonen is passionate about trauma responsiveness policies in school and wants to use her degree to serve students from vulnerable populations. “In a system that is huge, it is really hard to provide that individualized attention and support so many of our students need,” she said. ...
Physiological differences between children and adults also leave children more vulnerable to some forms of infection. Also due to their small size, children are more vulnerable to rapid dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea, making them more likely to have poor- prognosis gastroenteritis infections. ...
Arizona. “We really wanted to meet the rising demand for jobs in the clean energy sector and give opportunities to students from underserved communities, vulnerable communities, and communities disproportionately impacted by the negative effects of environmental degradation,” said Programs Director Julia...