这款雅马哈 ARIUS 系列 YDP-S51 数码钢琴外形简洁经典,符合人体工程学,注重细节和实用性,满足钢琴演奏者的需求。四层力度 GH 键盘和三踏板组件,加上具有吸引力的厢式外观,确保演奏者以最合适的角度弹奏钢琴。 采用与高端数码钢琴 Clavinova 系列相同的纯音 CF 采样,同时128最大发音数,也可以满足所有繁复苛刻乐曲的演...
The Yamaha YDP S51 is part of the Arius series that includes digital pianos like theYamaha YDP-142andYamaha YDP-162. It costs US$1699 online, 200 dollars more than the YDP-162 and 500 dollars more than the YDP-142. It is similar to the YDP-142 and 162 with respect to features and ...