Engineered to deliver warmth to -30°C / -22°F, the Super Puff family will keep you super warm where it counts. Shop the Super Puff & all Puffer Jackets.
我个人更喜欢这种温暖的外层。 图5️⃣-6️⃣ superpuff 只有mid长度的platinum grey颜色半价,买回来随便穿穿,没想到实物也比官网图好看些。最惊喜的是袖口的设计,让我这个第一次买羽绒服的人感觉太专业了!👍 包装很好,快递也不错,17号官网下单,20号中午就送到了。这次的购物体验简直满分!💯 0 0 ...
Aritzia大促开始了,入口内单品5折起,部分单品折扣登录会员账号可见 - 总入口直达>>> The Super Puff羽绒服,折后150刀,多色可选 cliMATTE™ Japanese ripstop premium down bomber puffer jacket 直达链接 TNA工装裤,折后63刀起 Relaxed mid-rise adjustable cotton cargo pants 直达链接 The Cloud Puff羽绒服,...
Aritzia最新的精品店的回本期在一年或更短的时间内,超过了公司预期的12到18个月。 在最近几个月中,该公司还受益于黑色星期五的打折活动,Wong表示,该活动以强劲的记录打破了几项Aritzia的销售记录,以及寒冷的天气,推动了消费者购买其...
The specialty retailer designs and develops 11 in-house collections under such labels as Wilfred, Babaton, Golden, Tna, The Super Puff and Sunday Best. Aritzia also offers some third-party apparel and accessories, such as Levi’s, Asics and Citizens of Humanity. The brand targets a wide range...
The brand’s more fashionable pieces include the Super Puff coat, silk slip dresses, teddy jackets, and jumpsuits. Knowing that other stores like Aritzia provide similar looks with comparable or cheaper price is comforting for fanatics who feel they already have all of the brand’s essentials. ...
supermommy :今天去逛街,去了Aritzia感觉它家毛料这款西服长马甲和dress pants配起来真不错!effortless pants /regular ,regal vest. 目前黑五折扣已经出来了,这一款马夹和长裤都不打折,不知道会不会打折呀!感觉很喜欢,不仅配套穿好看,分开穿也会很好看用途很多呢!我今天居然没收到他家的折扣,这是怎么回事?按道理...
Engineered to deliver warmth to -30°C / -22°F, the Super Puff family will keep you super warm where it counts. Shop the Super Puff & all Puffer Jackets.
The Tna Super Puff™ Mid is a mid-length down puffer jacket. This puffer contains 100% responsibly sourced goose down. Engineered to deliver warmth to -30°C / -22°F, The Super Puff™ is designed with maximalist proportions to keep yo