Aritzia, the Vancouver, Canada-based fashion retailer steadily expanding its footprint in New York City and elsewhere in North America, is set to open its new SoHo flagship on the corner of Broadway and Prince Street on Tuesday. For the new flagship, Aritzia has a premium, high-trafficked lo...
Aritzia夏日大促火爆开抢!超红北美时尚品牌,海量上身巨好看的某书爆款,各种运动风美裙这次可以好价拿下啦! (以下图片均来自,版权属于原作者) 斜挎腰包$29(原价$38) Aritzia,SundayBest百褶短裙$27(原价$68) Aritzia,newyork棒球帽$28(原价$35) Aritzia,NY棒球帽$28(原价$35) Aritzia,loulou限定可...
The article reports that the Canadian clothing store company Aritzia will open a retail store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York City in November 2012 that will be part of the Rockefeller Center complex. T...
We are proud to deepen our commitment to New York City and further establish our presence in premier retail destinations across the USA.” Wong has spearheaded the U.S. expansion that began in 2007, the launch of e-commerce in 2012, the initial public offering for Aritzia in 2016, and ...
Soho:524 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 我妈说:买衣服就要过碰 碰到好的就要买!专门去买衣服就往往买不着 实践无数次的玄学你们逛街愉快! ——— #纽约吃喝玩乐[话题]# #纽约咖啡店[话题]# #纽约咖啡[话题]# #纽约探店[话题]# #COTD咖啡探店[话题]# #抹茶拿铁[话题]# #草莓抹茶拿铁[话题]# #ari...
Boutique Associate(在职员工)-New York, NY-2024年1月30日 Good temporary role but wouldn’t stay long term. BA’s and other roles aren’t prioritized or given hours. If you need consistency, you have to be an SA with good sales.
Inventory Clerk (离职员工) - New York, NY - 2016年12月2日 Aritzia is a women's retail store with an artistic enviorment and the job has a high sense of creativity and fasion. If you want to build up your resume then Aritzia is the place. They hire seasonals when mark downs is comi...
奢侈品零售商Barneys New York正考虑破产申请 据路透社7月14日报道,由于高昂的租金和不断变化的顾客品味,美国奢侈品百货商店Barneys New York正探索包括破产申请在内的各种选择。这家以销售世界顶级奢侈品牌服装闻名的百年老店,可能在未来几周内提交破产申请。过去一年中,包括Sears、玩具反斗城(Toys “R” US)和金宝贝...
Style Advisor (在职员工) - New York, NY - 2017年3月15日 A typical day working as a Style Advisor at Aritiza is providing first class service to our customers. Determining the needs of our customers and providing as much assistance through this and styling is the end goal in creating happ...
Style Advisor(在职员工)-New York, NY-2023年2月21日 Girls can sometimes get catty with sales but if you find the right structure it can be fun. It can be a lot of work though when you are running around all day. 这篇点评对您有用吗?