1. ALU是什么 ALU is that part of the computer that actually performs arithmetic and logical operations on data(ALU是计算机使用数学或者逻辑处理数据的部分) Data are presented to the ALU in registers, and the results of an operation are stored in registers(数据被存储在ALU的寄存器中,运算的结果也...
For modeling the exploration in this algorithm, as aforementioned, arithmetic operations have been used. Based on the highly distributed nature of Multiplication (M) and Division (D) operators, there will be generated some decision values with high exploration in several reigns. Although, the above...
For n-ary systems, we would need 2n resistive states, hence further progress in ReRAM memory technology will directly enable arithmetic operations using higher radix number systems. On the other hand, the choice of radix for a number representation can be motivated from the perspective of ...
CONSTITUTION:Two types of operations (A - B) and (B - A) are carried out with each other to the two digital binary numbers A and B, and the output of the positive result is selected for operation of the absolute value. This selection of output is controlled by the carry selecting ...
The developed approach uses cuckoo search algorithm operators to improve the ability of the exploitation operations of AOA. AOACS enhances the convergence ratio of the presented technique to find the optimum solution. The performance of the AOACS is examined using 23 benchmark functions and CEC-...