在分析架构性能的时候,我们最关心的是计算和访问。 算术强度(Arithmetic intensity) 对于一个计算函数或算子(kernel/op),其计算强度计算公式是 Arithmetic Intensity=number of Flopsnumber of bytes accesses 为什么是这样。 那根据我们的抽象架构,一个算子在我们抽象架构上执行的延迟有,从内存中取数,在计算单元执行计...
In this study, we present the results obtained from the acceleration of multi-component-type multiple precision matrix multiplication using the Ozaki Scheme and OpenMP. We aim for triple-double (TD) and triple-single (TS) precision matrix multiplication on CPU and GPU using TD and TS arithmetic...
MPSMatrixCopyDescriptor MPSMatrixCopyOffsets MPSMatrixCopyToImage MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky MPSMatrixDecompositionLU MPSMatrixDecompositionStatus MPSMatrixDescriptor MPSMatrixFindTopK MPSMatrixFullyConnected MPSMatrixFullyConnectedGradient MPSMatrixLogSoftMax MPSMatrixLogSoftMaxGradient MPSMatrixMultiplication MPSMatri...
Visual servoing using image registration is a method employed in robotics to control the movement of a system using visual information. In this context, we propose a new intensity-based image registration algorithm (IBIR) that uses information derived from images acquired at different times or from...
The data structures are such that I can store everything in global memory of a GPU but not in the shared memory. My understanding is that GPUs perform best when the arithmetic intensity (floating point operations per byte transferred) is high, and that dot products perform (relatively) poorly...
matrix size = 256 × 256, field of view = 240 mm, slice thickness = 1 mm, number of slices = 160. Full voxel size was 1 × 1 × 1. As for the T2-weighted images, the following parameters were used: TE = 20 ms, flip angle = 80...
Multiplication training studies in adults have illustrated that this strategy shift is accompanied by the reduced activation of the frontal gyri, intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and superior parietal lobule (SPL), and by the increased activation of the left angular gyrus (AG)3,4,5,6,7. The change...
The second method, inspired by Karatsuba multiplication,is based on recursively performing multiplications with matrices of half-sizeof the original. Its complexity in terms of the matrix size $n$ is$\\Theta(n^{\\log 3})$. Both methods are applicable to Toeplitz matrices and tocirculant ...
MPSMatrixDecompositionStatus MPSMatrixDescriptor MPSMatrixFindTopK MPSMatrixFullyConnected MPSMatrixFullyConnectedGradient MPSMatrixLogSoftMax MPSMatrixLogSoftMaxGradient MPSMatrixMultiplication MPSMatrixNeuron MPSMatrixNeuronGradient MPSMatrixSoftMax MPSMatrixSoftMaxGradient MPSMatrixSolveCholesky MPSMatrixSolveLU MPSMa...
Acceleration of multiple precision matrix multiplication based on multi-component floating-point arithmetic using AVX2In this paper, we report the results obtained from the acceleration of multi-binary64-type multiple precision matrix multiplication with AVX2. We target double-double (DD), triple-double...