How to handle Java ArithmeticException? By: Rajesh P.S.Java ArithmeticException is a runtime exception that occurs when an arithmetic operation encounters an exceptional condition, such as division by zero or an integer overflow. To handle ArithmeticException in Java, you can use try-catch blocks...
System.out.println("开始测试");try{// 可能出现问题的代码// 这里的代码越少越好inta=1/0;// 抛出 ArithmeticException// 当出现异常的运算条件时,抛出此异常。例如,一个整数“除以零”时,抛出此类的一个实例。System.out.println("因为catch处理后不会返回,所以不会执行这行代码"); }catch(ArithmeticExcep...
3.2 使用try-catch捕获异常 如果不能提前确保数值的合法性,另一种方法是使用try-catch来捕获并处理ArithmeticException: 代码语言:javascript 复制 try{int result=10/0;}catch(ArithmeticException e){System.out.println("发生算术异常: "+e.getMessage());} 这可以防止程序直接崩溃,并提供适当的错误提示。 3.3 ...
异常(对象类型转换时)NumberFormatException数字格式异常ArithmeticException算术异常. ClassNotFoundException 类加载异常try:执行可能产生异常的代码(试图) catch:捕获异常,并处理(捕获) finally:无论是否发生异常,代码总能执行(最终) throw: 手动抛出异常(是一个异常对象) throws:声明方法...
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero 是Java运行时异常之一,发生在尝试将整数(或长整型等)除以零时。由于数学上整数除以零是未定义的,Java运行时环境通过抛出此异常来阻止此类非法操作。 2. 常见原因 错误的除法操作:直接尝试将一个数除以零。 变量使用不当:在除法操作中使用了可能为零的变量,而这些变量没...
} catch (ArithmeticException e) { log.debug("Could not round {} to {} decimal places: {}", value, priceScale, e.getMessage()); return value.setScale(priceScale, RoundingMode.CEILING); } } 代码示例来源:origin: google/guava static void checkInRangeForRoundingInputs(boolean condition, double...
Here is the code in question:public static void main(String[ ] args) { int i=1; int j=1; try { i++; //becomes 2 j--; //becomes 0 if (i/j > 1) { i++; } } catch(ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("arithmetic error."); } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e...
Exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero Program Finished Explanation In the above program, we created a classMain. TheMainclass contains amain()method. Themain()method is the entry point for the program. Here, we created "try" and "catch" blocks. In the "try" block, the Arit...
// Importing the ArithmeticException class import kotlin.ArithmeticException fun main(args : Array<String>){ var x = 10 var y = 3 try{ println("10/3: " + x/y) x = 10 y = 0 println("10/0: " + x/y) } catch(e: ArithmeticException){ // caught and handles it println("Divide...