Aristotle's Treatment of Hippodamus, Politics Book II
Dougherty, Richard J
Is Aristotle's best constitution a democracy?
Samaras, Thanassis
Aristotle, Nietzsche and the Politics of New Values
Aristotle, Nietzsche and the Politics of New ValuesCebi, Sezgin Seymen
Aristotle on Slavery; Aristotle and Us
Aristotle on Slavery; Aristotle and UsSalkever, Stephen G
Aristotle and the Possibility of Liberal Civic Friendship
Aristotle and the Possibility of Liberal Civic FriendshipLudwig, Paul W
Politeia in Aristotle's Politics V: A Catalogue of Uses
Mulhern, John
Aristotle's Regime Science and the Origins of Comparative...
Bates, Clifford Angell
Teleology in Book V of Aristotle's Politics
Roochnik, David
Plurality of Principates: Aristotle and Dominican Papalism
Plurality of Principates: Aristotle and Dominican PapalismIzbicki, Thomas M
Aristotle's Polity and Hayek's Great Society
Hall, Lauren K