卷一第一章“修辞术是论辩术的对应物,因为二者都论证在一定程度上是人人都能认识的事理,而且都不属于任何一种科学。”【罗,19】(Rhetoric is a counterpart of dialectic. For both rhetoric and dialectic are concerned with those sorts of things that are in a way commonly available to the cognizance of...
Aristotle’s writings can be classified as popular writings, memoranda and collections of material, and scientific and philosophical treatises. Among Aristotle’s most important popular writings were his dialogues, which were based on the Platonic model, and what he refers to as “exoteric writings....
Aristotle Final Good Aristotle begins to question what is good? The good is explained to differ in different activities and arts, but shares a common ground because it appears to be for the sake of how things are done; a means to an end. Aristotle uses the example of medicine; its mean...
Aristotle’s overlook on what is the ‘good life’ as he used an empirical approach to ethics. The ‘good life’ as Aristotle defines it as one which has happiness as a characteristic or ‘a life of happiness’. ‘Happiness is an activity of the soul in accord with perfect virtue’. ‘...
教材问题参考答案1 The teenagers are flying kites on a beach.2 Outside of school, I like to relax by taking photos with my camera and playing badminton with my friends.3 My life as ateenageris very busy.I have to balance my schoolwork and theextra-curricular activities(平衡学业和课外活动...
For what other purpose is there in being happy? What does it yield.The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle. The next question that Aristotle raises is: what is happiness? We all want it; we all desire it; we all seek it. It's the goal we have ...
in biology, found uncongenial. Perhaps for this reason - but more likely because of growing anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens - Aristotle decided to leave. He accepted the invitation of Hermeias, his friend and a former fellow student in the Academy, to join his philosophical circle on the...
” Aristotle warns us, however: knowing (as a good willed writer) how to get your readers to receive your ideas by making readers “pleased and friendly” or “pained and hostile” is one thing; playing on readers’ emotions in ways that make them mindless of concepts and consequences can...
Each of these can help to answer "why" questions about the object, such as why the being exists at all, why it behaves or interacts as it does, why (for example) it is good for walking on, and so on. What is the efficient cause according to Aristotle? The efficient cause according...