Born:384BCStagira,ChalcidiceDied:322BC(aged62)EuboeaNationality:GreekEra:AncientphilosophyRegion:WesternphilosophySchool:PeripateticschoolAristotelianism Main insterests Physics,Metaphysics,Poetry,Theatre,Music,Rhetoric,Politics,Government,Ethics,Biology,Zoology Notableideas Goldenmean,Aristotelianlogic,syllogism,hexis,...
The lectures were divided into morning and afternoon sessions. The more difficult ones were given in the morning, and the easier and more popular ones were given in the afternoon. Aristotle himself led the school until the death of Alexander in 323 B.C.E. , when he left Athens, fearing...
1、aristotle,born: 384 bcstagira, chalcidice died :322 bc (aged 62)euboea nationality: greek era : ancient philosophy region: western philosophy school: peripatetic schoolaristotelianism,influenced by parmenides, socrates, plato, heraclitus, democritus,influenced virtually all western philosophy that c ...
forhisfatherandhisstudieswithAristotleended. Theeventsofthenextfiveyearsareuncertain.PerhapsAristotlestayedatthecourt;perhapshewentbackto Stagira.Butin335,afterthedeathofPhilip,hereturnedtoAthensforhissecondlongsojourn.Justoutside thecityherentedsomebuildingsandestablishedhisownschool,theLyceum,wherehelectured,wro...
Aristotle's Death and Legacy After the death ofAlexander the Greatin 323 B.C., anti-Macedonian sentiment again forced Aristotle to flee Athens. He died a little north of the city in 322, of a digestive complaint. He asked to be buried next to his wife, who had died some years before...
Aristotle was not an Athenian; he was born, fifteen years after the death of Socrates, at Stagira in the kingdom of Macedonia in northern Greece. 亚里士多德不是雅典人;他出生在苏格拉底去世后的十五年,位于希腊北部马其顿王国的斯塔基拉。
Aristotle was born in 384 BC at Stagira, in Thrace (northern Greece), and was also know as 'the Stagirite.' He was the son of a wealthy physician attached to the court of the father of Philip of Macedon. When he was seventeen he moved to Athens, where for more than twenty years ...
Born 384B.C.; died 322B.C.Ancient Greek philosopher and scholar. Aristotle was born in Stagira and moved to Athens in 367. He became a student of Plato and was a participating member of Plato’s Academy for 20 years, until Plato’s death in 347. In the year 343, Aristotle was summo...
Aristotle was born in Stagira, Macedonia. He went to Athens and entered Plato's Academy when he was eighteen. He remained there until Plato's death in about 347 BC, when he left Athens to spend the next five years at Assos in Asia Minor and at Mytilene on the island of Lesbos, workin...
亚里士多德Aristotle英文简单介绍有用.ppt,Aristotle Born: 384 BC Stagira, ChalcidiceDied :322 BC (aged 62) EuboeaNationality: GreekEra : AncientphilosophyRegion: Western philosophySchool:Peripatetic school Aristotelianism MaininsterestsPhysics, Metaphysics