The meaning of ARISE is to begin to occur or to exist : to come into being or to attention. How to use arise in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Arise.
In fact Best further interpreted the story as meaning that Ham had disobeyed Noah by copulating on the Ark. As a result, God punished Ham by making his son “so black and loathsome” that he and all his progeny would symbolize disobedience to “all the world” (quoted in Jordan, 1974:...
In a sentence completion test, I wrote "Our emotions arise from bodies" instead of "Emotions arise from our bodies." My English teacher, who is Korean, went like this, "The first one is a better opion. I think I'll have to subtract one point from your grade." I guess he said tha...
Art is to a great extent a thing of the subconscious and things broke through without my meaning. I also wouldn’t undertake the tests of loyalty, such as writing a book on how America had ruined my life. The right let themselves be infiltrated because at some level the right had bo...
The meaning of ARISE is to begin to occur or to exist : to come into being or to attention. How to use arise in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Arise.