ranging from basics to intermediary to advance or expert level. One can also do process mining to understand the in depth knowledge about their product and process. Its easy implementation makes it an ideal tool for mapping processes, process mining, third party integration and flawless user ...
Event-driven process chain (EPC) Views 174755 Flowchart Views 108689 IT infrastructure Views 51682 Organizational chart Views 68156 Process landscape Views 69768 Process management Views 62217 Process mapping Views 131910 Process Mining Views 86
CREATE MAPPING myMap (namevarcharEXTERNAL NAME"__key", ageINTEXTERNAL NAME"this") TYPE IMap OPTIONS ('keyFormat'='varchar','valueFormat'='int');INSERT INTOmyMapVALUES('Jake',29);SELECT*FROMmyMap; The same can be done programmatically as follows using one of thesupported programming language...
for mapping over iterables, because it avoids creating an intermediate array. // bad const baz = [...foo].map(bar); // good const baz = Array.from(foo, bar);4.7 Use return statements in array method callbacks. It’s ok to omit the return if the function body consists of a single...
Then the human sequences were excluded by mapping reads to the human re erence genome. The remaining data were aligned to the microbial genome database which col- lected microbial genomes rom NCBI re seq database ( tp:// tp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/re seq/release). Finally, the microbial ...