Introduction and History of Zodiac Sign AriesThe myth behind Aries is based on Greek mythology of golden ram, legend states that Aries the God of War, identified with a golden ram, rescued Phrixus and took him to Colchis where he sacrificed the ram to appease Zeus, the leader of the Gods...
Aries is ruled by Mars -- the Red Planet, or the warrior planet. These two have been linked since ancient times, as Mars is the Roman God of War, and Ares is the Greek God of War. Mars is a planet of great action, aggression, and drive, influencing what we do, and how we do ...
Aries is the first zodiac sign under the Horoscope chart. People born under this sign can be easily identified with their fiery and dynamic personalities. "Aries" is a Latin word that means "Ram," which is why the ram in astrology symbolizes this sign. Greek mythology associates Aries with ...
Aries are the proverbial batteries of theZodiac. Their overall zeal and boundless energy makes everyone around them feel tired just watching all the activity. What this Sun Sign can accomplish with focus is impressive, but their most redeeming quality is really their courage. ...
Aries, in astronomy, zodiacal constellation in the northern sky lying between Pisces and Taurus. In astrology, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about March 21 to about April 20.
Aries Zodiac Sign - Character Traits. Retrieved July 9, 2023, from Ford, D. The Constellation Aries. In the Sky. Retrieved July 9, 2023, from Galaxy NGC ...
It takes its name from the Greek god of war, making it one of the few signs with a well-developed mythology. Aries is associated with the head, and people with an Aries sun sign are prone to headaches and injuries to the head and face. The association of the head with Aries is the...
Ariesshould not be confused withAres, the name of the Greek god of war. Example:My favorite constellation is Aries, and not just because I’m an Aries! Ariesdates People with the signAriesare traditionally considered to be those born in the range of March 21–April 19. However, interpretat...
Aries names are connected to the first sign of the zodiac, making names related to primacy such as Primo and Una apt for an Aries baby. Names for Aries babies might also includenames that mean fire, the element of Aries, as well asnames that mean red. ...
The sign of Aries begins the twelve-fold cycle of the signs of the zodiac, representing the flaming forth of the individual sense of “I”, the pure flame of Being, before it becomes embedded in family, relationships, or career. It is the power of pure Yang, the masculine principle of ...