(古希腊神话中的)公羊:In Greek mythology, Aries is often associated with the golden ram that saved the two princes. (在希腊神话中,Aries 经常与拯救了两位王子的金色公羊联系在一起。) (天文)白羊(座)的(星):The constellation Aries is one of the twelve zodiac signs. (白羊座是十二星座之一。) ...
The myth behind Aries is based on Greek mythology of golden ram, legend states that Aries the God of War, identified with a golden ram, rescued Phrixus and took him to Colchis where he sacrificed the ram to appease Zeus, the leader of the Gods. Later, Phrixus, in the face of death ...
In Greek mythology, Aries represents the golden ram that was sent to rescue Phrixos and Helle, the children of King Athamus of Boeotia and his first wife Nephele. The King's second wife, Ino, was resentful and wanted the children, in particular, Phrixos killed. She induced a famine in...
This should not surprise those who know that much of the mythology surrounding Aries comes from the Greek story of the Golden Fleece. In the story, Phrixus sacrifices a winged ram after it rescues him and his sister, Helle (who, sadly, did not survive the flight). After the sacrifice, ...
This flower was also said to have been used to heal the wounds of war sustained by the various heroes in Greek mythology, and also ... to have been used by Chiron! So the blue eye of healing vision cures the wounds of Mars. Indeed, while Chiron was in Pisces, there was an increase...
Uranus (the tilted planet) is the higher octave of Mercury, and both have their place in the weather.While Mercury rules the wind, Uranus rules strong winds. Uranus essentially brings Life to the wind. In fact, in Greek mythology Uranus personifies the sky and gives it a human nature (Mot...
Aries refers to the golden-fleeced ram in mythology. Since the golden fleece was(19)invaluable,it was coveted by many. 白羊座指的就是神話中的這隻頭金毛羊。 The(20)taleof Prince Jason leading Greek warriors in a long-distance(21)conquestof Colchis on the Argo Ship soon follows. ...
In Greek mythology, the story is ofPhrixus, son of King Athamas. Phrixus and his sister Helle were hated by their stepmother who was scheming to get rid of them. She burnt up all the crop seeds so no crops would grow. When farmers became desperate, they sought advice from the oracle....
There are 6 main stars in Aries, the brightest of which are said to represent a ram lying down with its head turned to the right. The constellation also includes four deep sky objects: the galaxies NGC 697, NGC 772, NGC 972, and NGC 1156. In Greek mythology, Aries is said to be th...
Inastrology, Aries is the first sign of thezodiac, considered as governing the period from about March 21 to about April 19. Its representation as a ram is identified with the Egyptian godAmonand, inGreek mythology, with the ram with thegolden fleece, on the back of whichPhrixus, the son...