Six months in the world, and she is able To rock on all fours like a padded hammock. For her, the heavy notion of Evil Attending her cot is less than a belly ache, And Love the mother of milk, no theory. They mistake their star, these papery godfolk. They want the crib of some...
Power Ballads Latin Motown Funk + Soul 70's 80's Classic Rock Musical Theater Ariel Rose Original Music and more... LET'S CONNECT! SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL UPDATES. BOOKINGS: FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM @iamarielrose @iamarielrose...
In this game, Ariel is first seen sitting on a rock near the harbor waiting for the blonde-haired heroine of the game who has a bow on her head to befriend her. She convinces her that the land and the sea have lost their music, so she takes her under the sea to get the singing ...
With the introduction of the new WordPress editor in WP 5.0 a lot has changed.Elephanttheme jumps on the bandwagon and makes the best use of the new editor features. Paired with the extensive Customizer options built into the theme, these features provide rock solid, future proof, basis for ...
@波少野结衣【转发】@Ariel-Olivia官方:【Olivia常规训练】在冬季发奋图强在多数人眼中是艰难的事可是风越狂,雨越乱,内心就越刚所以依旧用笑颜如花来面对所有荆棘坎坷@Ariel-RockOn @陈艳Olivia #致自己#æ...
Come hear me play in my rock and roll band I took a shower and I put on my best blue jeans I picked her up in my new V W van She wore a peasant blouse with nothing underneath I said hi she said yeah I guess I am Ahh Ariel ahh ahh Ariel We had a little time we were real...
Ariel-RockOn 2016-10-26 08:34 来自iPhone 6s 表示昨晚迷迷糊糊被屁脸亲了不知道多少口 @一起神回复 一只吻技满分的喵星人 动图 271 420 ñ792 2016-10-26 07:01 来自微博 û收藏 转发 1 ñ3 还没有人评论,赶快抢个沙发...
Ariel Posen's music occupies the space between genres. It's a rootsy sound that nods to his influences — heartland rock & roll, electrified Americana, blue-eyed soul, R&B, Beatles-inspired pop — while still moving forward, pushing Posen into territory that's uniquely his own.Along the ...
A lot happened during my formative 70s: improvising in churches, alt-rock bands, 74-75 India by land, a cathedral, Studios GRM. I was quietly recording my compositions, stored for 45 years on analog ¼” tapes, then digitized and remastered. What a journey!
lies. lies and a grief. frost on a leaf, the immaculate cauldron, talking and crackling all to itself on the top of each of nine black alps. a disturbance in mirrors, the sea shattering its grey one- love, love, my season. Sheep in Fog The hills step off into whiteness. people or...