Three months after the release of the live-action Little Mermaid movie starring Halle Bailey, we now know who will bring the famous mermaid and her underwater pals to life once more in the upcoming animated series based on the film, Disney Junior’s Ariel. Disney Junior announced Frid...
A central Atlantica resident approves ofHalle Bailey's performance in the upcoming live-action remake ofThe Little Mermaid. Jodi Benson, the original voice actress of Ariel in the beloved 1989 animated film, praised her successor's "beautiful performance" in theRob Marshallfilm on Instagram Story,...
As to how this version of Ariel differs from the princess seen in the original 1989 film and the subsequent 2023 live-action film, Southerland says that the Disney Jr. mermaid is young but sure of herself. “It was very important to me that Ariel exudes a sense of personal agency, ...
Ariel appears in the 2022 live-action Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers movie, being part of Sweet Pete's bootleg movie "The Small Fish Lady". However, her bootleg form is almost true to her original appearance, except her hair style slightly altered and wears a lavender bra instead the lavender...
TANGLED Live-Action Movie Officially Moving Forward With THE GREATEST SHOWMAN Director Michael Gracey With each discovery, Ariel is filled with joy, and her mermaid tail, which changes colors depending on her emotions, lights up and shimmers. Full of charm, big ideas and a powerf...
Halle Bailey never anticipated that she would be called for the main role in Disney’s live-action musical adaptation of The Little Mermaid. She believed, Ariel, the Disney princess who gives up her voice and mermaid tail to be with a “spineless, savage, harpooning fish- eater” human –...
Depending on whom you ask, Lindsay Lohan may or may not be playing Ariel in a live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid." Actually, pretty much only if you ask Lindsay Lohan is Lindsay Lohan playing Ariel. Disney, on the other hand, has given no indication that Lohan is even...
Disney's live-action remake train shows no sign of slowing down, and it's now cast a star to lead one of its biggest upcoming movies: The Little Mermaid. Young actress Halle Bailey has been cast as the new Ariel. The 19-year-old is known for acting in the show Grown-ish, but is...
Gerard Butler on Bringing 'How to Train Your Dragon' to Life for Live-Action Adaptation (Exclusive) 9:43 Jesus on Screen: Jim Caviezel, Willem Dafoe and Christian Bale on Portraying Biblical Messiah 17:13 Jim Carrey's Hollywood Evolution in Never-Before-Seen Interviews | ET Vault...
("Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure," "The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning," "Tarzan 2") writing the script. Of course, plot details aren't being revealed. But given the massive success of "Maleficent" over the weekend, the sorta live-action prequel to "Sleeping Beauty" and the ...