Put Your Hearts Up Ariana Grande 976 Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah让我们贡献一点爱 Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah让我们贡献一点爱 If we give a little love,如果我们能分享一点爱 maybe we can change the world世界将变成美好的人间 You think you're so small你以为你很...
播放失败,请刷新页面重试 错误码undefined 重试 Put Your Hearts Up-Ariana Grande 播放量:28.1万 在手机上播 视频简介 Ariana Grande发行时间:2012-02-15 Ariana Grande - Put Your Hearts Up
【Live】Ariana Grande于芝加哥Holiday Party清唱《Tattooed Heart》和《Put Your Hearts Up》共计2条视频,包括:Ariana Grande 'Tattooed Heart' Holiday Party Chicago(720p)、Ariana Grande 'Put Your Hearts Up' Holiday Party Chicago(720p)等,UP主更多精彩视频,请
《Put Your Hearts Up_Ariana Grande 早期演唱现场考古:Put your hearts up》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!早期演唱现场考古:A妹在The Roxy 演唱本人最爱单曲之《Put Your Hearts Up》(举起你的心)【Doge】
Composed by:Matt Squire/Martin Johnson/Linda Perry/Ariana Grande Produced by:Matt Squire Let me see you put your hearts up yeah Let me see you put your hearts up yeah If we give a little love Maybe we can change the world Y-Y-Y-You think you're so small like you're itty-bitty ...
《Put Your Hearts Up-Ariana Grande》歌词 Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world You think you're so small Like you're itty bitty. ...
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在线看Ariana Grande - Put Your Hearts.. 3分钟 48秒。2016 2月 14的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 5286 — 已浏览。 277 — 已评价。
While pursuing her acting career, Grande perfected her singing. In 2011 she released the single “Put Your Hearts Up” (though she laterdisparagedthe song andmusic videofor its teen vibe). Her debut album,Yours Truly, appeared two years later and included the popular single “The Way,” a...
分享到:QQ空间QQ好友微信微博贴吧收藏复制网址 介绍 新晋偶像Ariana Grande最新动感活泼单曲Put Your Hearts Up(舞动爱心)中英字幕,只要人人献出一点爱心,我们就可以改变世界!(本歌词及其翻译来自网络) + 更多内容... 艺人 Ariana Grande 标签 Put Your Hearts Up Ariana Grande 音乐 字幕版...