On Friday, Ariana Grande did an interview with Beats1 Radio to promote her new album Sweetener. youtube.com In the interview, she talked about the album, her relationship with Pete Davidson, and strangely enough, her name: youtube.com Advertisement She said that while she'd love for ...
This is a grande deal to me. byRyan Schocket BuzzFeed Staff On Friday,Ariana Grandedid an interview with Beats1 Radio to promote her new albumSweetener. youtube.com In the interview, she talked about the album, her relationship withPete Davidson, and strangely enough, her name: ...
On Friday, Ariana Grande did an interview with Beats1 Radio to promote her new album Sweetener. youtube.com In the interview, she talked about the album, her relationship with Pete Davidson, and strangely enough, her name: youtube.com Advertisement She said that while s...