二、为所有协议设置代理 要为aria2的所有连接设置代理服务器,可以使用`--all-proxy`参数。例如,要设置一个HTTP代理服务器,可以使用以下命令: ```bash aria2c--all-proxy="http://proxy:8080"http://host/file ``` 这里`http://proxy:8080`是代理服务器的地址和端口,`http://host/file`是要下载的文件...
1. 尝试用--external-downloader-args为aria2指定代理(不可行) youtube-dl-i--proxysocks5:// --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args'-x 16 -k 1M --all-proxy=""' 存在问题 引号错乱。 aria2...
aria2c -d /dev -o null --allow-overwrite=true http://example.org/file 为所有的连接设置代理服务器(Set proxy server to use all protocols(HTTP(S)/FTP)) aria2c --all-proxy='http://proxy:8080' http://host/file aria2c --http-proxy='http://proxy:8080' --http-proxy-user='username...
无聊汉化了下Aria..# 更详细配置介绍请访问 https://aria2.github.io/manual/en/html/# 全局代理#all-proxy=
Well-known environment variables for proxy: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy and no_proxy HTTP gzip, deflate content encoding support Verify peer using given trusted CA certificate in HTTPS Client certificate authentication in HTTPS Chunked transfer encoding support Load Cookies from th...
#all-proxy= 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
即使用--http-proxy/--https-proxy和--ftp-proxy选项 # 此设置将会影响所有下载, 代理服务器地址的格式为[http://][USER:PASSWORD@]HOST[:PORT] all-proxy= # 代理服务器用户名 all-proxy-user= # 代理服务器密码 all-proxy-passwd= # 连接超时时间, 设置建立HTTP/FTP/代理服务器连接的超时时间(秒) #...
aria2c -h#http|grep proxy connection to HTTP/FTP/proxy server.After the --http-proxy=PROXYUsea proxy serverforHTTP.To override a previously defined proxy,use"".See also the --all-proxy option.--https-proxy=PROXYUsea proxy serverforHTTPS.To override a ...
Set proxy server to use all protocols(HTTP(S)/FTP) Set proxy server to be in HTTP only Use proxy that requires authentication 五、Advanced HTTP Features Load cookies Resume download started by web browsers or another programs 六、Other Advanced Features ...
Well-known environment variables for proxy: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy and no_proxy HTTP gzip, deflate content encoding support Verify peer using given trusted CA certificate in HTTPS Client certificate authentication in HTTPS Chunked transfer encoding support Load Cookies from th...