Aria-disabled可以用作不具有自身disabled特性的元素,如超链接、段落元素、内容区域等。如果元素的内容曾经不可用/可操作,那么aria-disabled属性可以解决这个问题。 当指定元素的aria-disabled属性为true并通过属性值将元素设置为不可用/可操作状态时,元素将呈现为禁用(disable)状态。无论元素本身是否具有disabled属性,aria...
然后,aria-disabled字符串。表示禁用状态, true表示当前是非激活状态; false表示清除非激活状态。 添加...
sr-only全称是 screen reader only,意为:(仅供)屏幕阅读器,这个 class 主要用于增强 accessbility(...
Currently, the ARIA spec says the following about using aria-disabled to disable descendants: The state of being disabled applies to the current element and all focusable descendant eleme...
我应该让我的输入同时具有 disabled 和aria-disabled 属性,还是只有一个? Input 或者像这样? Input 或者像这样? Input 原文由 Ralph David Abernathy 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 htmlaccessibilitywai-ariahtml-input 有用关注收藏 回复 阅读933 2 个回答 得票...
Hint: A button with aria-disabled="true" doesn't look the same as a button with the attribute disabled. So you have to add some CSS to the button, e.g. button[aria-disabled=true] {opacity: .5;}. It's also important to notice that although "disabled" the aria-disabled will be ...
aria-disabled=falsemust not be used on elements with adisabledattribute. Applicable standards HTML5 Change history 6.41 Jul 2021Added. This page describes a web site issue detected in HTML documents by SortSite Desktop and OnDemand Suite.
[] Button will turn red when aria-disabled in this example. Steps to reproduce the problem We have two sliders. Slider A is showing one slide at a time. Slider B is showing n items at a time but...
aria-disabled Example Edit Characteristics Used in roles All elements of the base markup Values True/False Value representing either true or false. The default value for this value type is False, unless otherwise specified. False (default) The element is enabled. True: The element and all...