aria-label、aria-labelledby和aria-describedby是ARIA的属性,它们主要是给HTML元素添加可访问性名称。 在构建Web页面的时候,并不是所有元素都具备可访问性名称,如果需要为更多不同用户群体访问Web提供平等权利以及更好的体验,就需要借助ARIA相关的特性为其提供可访问性名称和可访问性描述。比如说,在Web上有某种指明元素...
When to use describedby: For example you have a close button: <buttonaria-describedby="closeReadable">X</button><p>Some kind of content</p><pid="closeReadable"class="visuallyHidden">Close this window</p> When to use labelledby: For example you have Billing section, inside you have addres...
</body> </html> 但是如果没有给输入框设置label时,当其获得焦点时,屏幕阅读器会读出aria-label属性的值,aria-label不会在视觉上呈现效果。
on static HTML elements? An interesting Twitter thread sprung up from a Tweet about overriding elements with aria-label with a follow up thread with my colleagues. I was asked to test the results of aria-label on static content. This is what is below, along with aria-labelledby and aria...
} Then for the input field, we can use aira-describedby // src/primitives/FormInput.js<inputid={id}type={type}name={name}className={inputClasses}onChange={onChange}aria-describedby={`${helperId}${errorId}`}/> All code in React syntax...