</p> <input type="button" value="关闭" id="alert_close" /> </div> 自定义的出错提示弹框。 application 表示应用 <div id="application" role="application"> <label id="date_label" for="date">时间</label>: <input id="date" type="text"/> <button id="bn_date">选择日期...</...
aria的意思是Accessible Rich Internet Application,aria-*的作用就是描述这个tag在可视化的情境中的具体信息。 <divrole="checkbox"aria-checked="checked"></div> 辅助工具就会知道,这个div实际上是个checkbox的角色,为选中状态。 aria-label 正常情况下,会在表单里给input组件指定对应的label,当用户tab到输入框时,...
方法/步骤 1 在HTML过去的版本中,由于input标记带有“男、女”这样的说明文字,因此label标记独立于input标记之外,为了说明两者的关联,在此使用了label的for属性来对其加以捆绑。2 在H5中优化,使用fieldset标记来表示。fieldset标记:用来对表单内容的一部分进行打包,生成一组相关表单的字段,每一个fieldset标记都...
ARIA: textbox role ARIA: slider role May be relevant because we allow min and max However, most number inputs are not sliders ARIA Authoring Practices Guide: Slider Pattern WCAG 2.0 Understanding Docs: Input Assistance Blockly number field documentation Activity Sign up for free to join this ...
<div role="checkbox" aria-checked="checked"></div> 1. 辅助工具就会知道,这个div实际上是个checkbox的角色,为选中状态。 aria-label 正常情况下,会在表单里给input组件指定对应的label,当用户tab到输入框时,读屏软件就会读出相应label里的文本。
Additionally, all the references in the document about the element that is identified by thecomboboxrole says that it should be aninput. What did you expect to see? It seems like the ARIA spec has changed in order to accept<button role="combobox" />. So I'd expect to see the informa...
<form role = "form"> <div class="form-group col-lg-3 form-horizontal"> <label for = "idCard" class="control-label col-lg-5">身份证号:</label> <div class="col-lg-7"> <input type = "text" id = "idCard" class="form-control"> </div> </div> </form> </body...
-- For image buttons, use the alt attribute to define the accessible name. --><inputtype="image"src="images/moreinfo.png"alt="Show more info"/><!-- For elements with inner text this error can be suppressed because the accessible name is set by default. --><divrole="banner">...
id=utton3 role=utton alt=paste /> </div> <div class=ext> <label id= ame_label for= ame>姓名:</label> <input type=ext id= ame name= ame如下图黄色的这个提aria-labelledby= ame_label示框: 表示提示tooltip 文本aria-describedby=ip ...