Often, heading elements will be referenced with thearia-labelledbyattributeof the section for which they serve as a heading. If headings are organized into a logical outline, thearia-levelattribute is used to indicate the nesting level. Characteristics: For more details seeheading rolein the ARIA...
aria-level No Heading is a heading for a section of the page. The aria-level attribute must be set on the role="heading" element to preserve an orderly document structure. If omitted, the implicit value of aria-level will be set to 2 upon Heading within the accessibility tree. 1.2...
ARIA attributes (i.e. starting with) must contain valid values. These values must be spelled correctly and correspond to values that make sense for a particular attribute to perform the intended accessibility function. Many ARIA attributes accept a specific set of values. Allowed values, acceptable...
object with aria-labelledby attribute video with aria-labelledby attribute Link with aria-labelledby containing img with no alt img with null alt and non-null aria-labelledby attributes input with aria-labelledby pointing to role=presentation element aria-level Screen ReaderNVDAJAWSVoiceOver...
ARIA attributes starting witharia-must have valid names. Referring to a misspelled attribute or to one that does not exist will result in an invalid attribute and thus failure of this rule. The Algorithm (in simple terms) Checks all elements that contain WAI-ARIA attributes to ensure that the...
W3C ARIA Role Attribute (DRAFT)Microsoft Active Accessibility RoleUI Automation Control TypeUI Automation AriaRole Property alertROLE_SYSTEM_ALERTTextalert alertdialogROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOGPanealertdialog applicationROLE_SYSTEM_PANEPaneapplication articleROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENTDocumentarticle ...
本篇小结是在2011年时候总结的,当时做一个产品的跨浏览器兼容工作,由于产品开发的时间比较早,最开始只能在IE下面(IE 8、IE 9还有点点问题)使用,做跨浏览器兼容工作的时候,主要是适配IE 6--IE 9、Safari、FireFox、Chrome,引入了jQuery框架进行改造后,大部分功能可以正常使用,现将总结分享一下。
CSS attribute selectors. [aria-invalid=true] {border : 2px solid red;} Accessible Name The name of a user interface element. The value of the accessible name may be derived from a visible (e.g., the visible text on a button) or invisible (e.g., the text alternative that describes ...
Attribute Name Category Tokens tabindex 0, -1 role token: according to definition in primitive aria-level int aria-live Live token: polite, assertive aria-multiline Description true, false aria-multiselectable Description true, false aria-pressed State true, false aria-relevant Live token: all,...
You can create a live region using thearia-liveattribute. The value of the attribute depends on the type and urgency of the updates you’re communicating. Thearia-relevant,aria-atomic, andaria-busyattributes allow you to configure when an announcement should be made and what the announcement sh...