Changelog Entry Description This PR adds some missing aria labels on button elements that Lighthouse warned about. This was previously part of a slightly bigger PR #4942 which fixed all problematic...
I saw that there are already some components that reflectaria-labelproperty on their native element (i.e. ion-button). In my case, I useion-cardandion-item. Sometimes, I setbuttonto true for these, but my customaria-labelis not extended to native button. Expected Behavior I wanted to k...
If your control does not have visible text (buttons with icons, for example), look for existing text on the page that you can reference viaaria-labelledby. I give an example in my postUniquely Labeling Fields in a Table. If you can count on CSS working and still need to hide text (o...
aria-pressed boolean | 'true' | 'false' | 'mixed' Indicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons. aria-label string Defines a string value that labels the current element. aria-labelledby string Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element. aria-describedby st...
The element will do all the work for us. If you are trying this technique with HTML buttons then the accessible name requires ARIA, but I outline how straightforward this is in my post Uniquely Labeling Fields in a Table. Step 2
ARIA provides two attributes that allow to override these labels. Setting a label#Link to heading "Setting a label" Using aria-label, an element's label can be set directly. For example, the following link's label is "No, Bing!": Google So a screen reader will announce: No, Bing...
Another important warning is that aria-label and aria-labelledby will override the visible text for certain elements, such as links and buttons. I often see developers that add labels to these with the intent of providing additional information or instructions without realizing that the ...
The following function gives keyboard accessibility for all the buttons, so that pressing enter when a button has focus (key-code 13) is the same as clicking the button with a mouse. $("input[type='button']").keydown(function(ev) { ...
Some of the most common uses for ARIA include: Descriptive labels When you need to add more descriptive labels to HTML elements like buttons or links (i.e. Read More, Learn More, etc.), you can use the ARIA aria-label to accomplish this: Before Read More After Read More Alerts In ...
The aria-controls attribute is important for composite widgets where one element controls another, such as navigation widgets (links, buttons, or tabs controlling another section), tree views, and similar relationships where one element controls another. The attribute defines the relationship so that ...