since that’s a necessary step in our evaluation of the inference that is supposed to lead to it. We might even employ a simple diagram to represent the structure of an argument, numbering each of the propositions it comprises and drawing an arrow to indicate the inference that leads...
walking, reading, consuming popular culture, and so on) inventively exploit the interstices of established orders of thought and behavior. To name the actions of ordinary people’s “inventing” in the way they do, Certeau first suggests the ...
The first two arguments follow from the Strong Consequentialist Claim and value maximization logic. In short, if the moral permissibility and the moral rightness or wrongness of germline editing are always only determined by its consequences, then it follows that nothing that does not fit into the...
For example, asking ten people on the street what they think of the president's plan to reduce the deficit can in no way be said to represent the sentiment of the entire nation. Although convenient, hasty generalizations can lead to costly and catastrophic results. For instance, it may be ...
V3118. A component of TimeSpan is used, which does not represent full time interval. Possibly 'Total*' value was intended instead. V3119. Calling a virtual (overridden) event may lead to unpredictable behavior. Consider implementing event accessors explicitly or use 'sealed' keyword. V3120. ...
Walton and Krabbe’s (1995) concept of dialogue shift offers an interesting way to represent what is going on dialectically and pragmatically with the ad baculum. On their view, dialogues are normative models for conversation, i.e., models for how conversations ought to go, as defined by ...
The arguments represent the source or the destination of the data that the command acts on. For example, the command cp, which is used to copy one or more files to a file or a directory, takes at least one source and one target: Shell 1$ ls main 2main 3 4$ cp main main2 5 ...
In a similar way, Rahwan [29] has formalized AIF in Description Logics, which allows for the automatic classification of schemes and arguments. In this same vein, in Section 4 we present a formalism that allows to represent the knowledge that describes a specific domain through a concrete ...
Investment is the purchase of an asset or depositing a sum of money in a financial institution to make a profit in the future. Investments are long as well as short term savings. Investments can be in the form of shares, fixed asset, cash and property....
A player may prove any proposition from his opponent’s inconsistency, which does not seem represent actual discussions very well. Yet in relation to Biro’s analysis, it suffices to remember that his explanation is tied to true propositions. We can claim, with some credibility, that true prop...