Purpose of treaty signed in September, 1996; Likely failure of treaty without US support; Moves by President Bill Clinton to secure Congressional approval; Reasons for opposing treaty; Safety and testing of US weapons; Verifying compliance of other countries; Russian nuclear tests on August 16, ...
The accusations, then – I don’t think we can call them ‘charges’ just yet – against Durov are that by not agreeing to police his messenger service in accordance with western diktat, he is complicit in the allegedly illegal activity that occurs therein. Continue reading “Who’s Running...
A. Yes, apparently so. Yesterday, I was a neo-Marxist arguing against the totalitarian overreach of the drug war and the need to decouple capital from our governing processes. You go issue to issue, ignoring all the proper ideological prime-directives, and eventually you wear all the names. ...
The main argument in support of the decision to use the atomic bomb is that it saved American lives which would otherwise have been lost in two D-Day-style land invasions of the main islands of the Japanese homeland. The first, against the Southern island of Kyushu, had been scheduled for...
against fluoridation. There are, for example, arguments that fluoridation was used by the Nazis in the concentration camps; that fluoridation was a clever way to deal with the industrial waste from our nuclear weapons program; and that the fact that the government hired...
This systematic review was to designed to analyze the biomedical and bioethics literature that addresses the use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology for human embryo editing to identify the ethical arguments and reasons that have been offered for and against heritable human genome editing as well as concerns ...