' As long as animals are slaughtered for food (and leather) then slaughter methods have to be as humane as possible. By a set of comprehensive regulations and enforcement of the regulations, this country, like so many others, has been working to achieve this objective. Vegans who don't car...
“It is always easy to oppose things that other people do, to rail against barbaric foreigners while chomping burgers,” North wrote in one column. “Eventually, both the burger and the bullfight will go. But, until that day, toreo is the most intense spectator experience out there — as...
Animals might be gassed (which is very distressing for mink in particular because, as Fur Free Alliance explains, they are “semi-aquatic and highly evolved physiologically to hold their breath”) or electrocuted through the mouth and anus. The Humane Society International has also filmed fur ...
President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA) into law under opposition from the USDA and the meat industry. The law sought to minimize the pain of animals by mandating livestock be stunned unconscious before slaughter. An exemption was made for ritual slaughter ...