很多著名的无神论者,例如 Richard Dawkins 和Christopher Hitchens,都承认fine-tuning argument是有神论最有力的证明方式。该理论主要有两个方面: 首先是宇宙起源需要的 fine-tuning. 这是指宇宙起始点的一些参数,如果但凡有极其细微的偏差,就会导致我们现在的宇宙无法形成。一个例子是 Sir Roger Penrose 关于宇宙初始时...
Fine-tuningHiggs mechanismStandard modelFalsificationInterpretation of probabilityBayesianismThe argument from naturalness is widely employed in contemporary quantum field theory. Essentially a formalized aesthetic criterion, it received a meaning in the debate on the Higgs mechanism, which goes beyond ...
National banks are regulated by what, and state banks are regulated by what? Why might attempts to fine-tune the economy be ineffective? Instead of fine-tuning, what do economists generally advocate that policymakers do? When the Federal Reserve lowers the real interest rate, ...
Third, some of the most powerful arguments for theism not only become unavailable to classical theists if they deny that God intentionally acts, but they also become arguments against classical theism. For instance, the fine-tuning argument, all sorts of teleological arguments, and many more ...
Define cosmological arguments. cosmological arguments synonyms, cosmological arguments pronunciation, cosmological arguments translation, English dictionary definition of cosmological arguments. n philosophy one of the arguments that purport to prove the
Assuming god exists, arguments against theist claims are illogical/fallacious. Things can exist in different contexts: God exists, in the sense that God is an idea that people have. Atheists can comment perfectly fine on the implications of belief and on god as a character without being requir...
Sentence transformer fine-tuning (setfit): Outperforms gpt-3 on few-shot text-classification while being 1600 times smaller. https://towardsdatascience.com/sentence-transformer-fine-tuning-setfit-outperforms-gpt-3-on-few-shot-text-classification-while-d9a3788f0b4e (2021) Alex, N. et al. ...
Could you perhaps show add the command you are using to start finetuning. Additionally, what is the output for echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ls -l /content/drive/MyDrive/SyntaxDot/libtorch/lib/ I think this error could happen when you have built SyntaxDot against the CUDA version and are...
Why do Keynesians still support monetary and fiscal policy intervention even though it is clearly not capable of perfectly "fine tuning" the economy? D What is the "Keynesian" explanation of why today's economy is growing so slowly? How does Keynesian Economics relate to fiscal policy? What ...
Fine-Tuning Decentralized Anonymous Payment Systems based on Arguments for Arithmetic Circuit SatisfiabilityDigital currencies like Bitcoin and other blockchain based systems provide means to record monetary transfers between accounts. In Bitcoin like systems transactions are published on a decentralized ledger...