The biggest challenges for women in the workplace Why should men suffer from others’ prejudices about masculinity Is legal prostitution a woman’s rights issue? Why religious institutions believe they have a right for birth control What is the biggest challenge for female politicians? Should abortio...
国外的argumentative essay和国内的议论文都是很常见的作业形式。与其他essay种类比起来,argumentative essay的目的是传达作者对某个问题或某件事表达自己的立场和个人态度。通过对于论文主题进行评论,作者务必要提出thesis statement (论文陈述)并应用真实可靠论据与推理来证明它。Argumentative essay基本要求包括: 1)简洁论点...
如果你是英文写作新手的话,推荐从议论文三主要模型开始练习argumentative essay写作: Classical argument 起源于亚里士多德辩证理论,本argumentative essay模型的目的是通过他人说服赢得辩论。为了证明自己观点绝对的正确性,小伙伴需要按照下面六个要素进行写作: 第一,引起读者的注意力。介绍人们关心的疑问,为了你的论点奠定基...
Argumentative Essay结构:三种文体 上文是argumentative essay的一种概括。但如果留学生愿意更为深入了解议论文结构与写作形式,请往下看。Argumentative essay其实非常多种多样,每个学子都会找到适合个人写作风格的议论文。比如说,我们可以先提出一个论点,然后以故事论述支撑本...
Why Equal Rights Amendments for women failed. 主要目的并不是说服读者支持你的论点(though it would be great!), 而是要表明该主题是值得讨论的。 选择debatable议论文题目的窍门: 1. 选择你了解并可以对其表达自己意见的主题。 2. 避免难以辩论的话题。
Women’s rights movement impact on education. Students should be allowed to choose the courses they want to study. 🌟 Unique Argumentative Essay Topics Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18? What is the role of art in society, and how should it be supported?
People need marijuana for better health.(You can find both arguments and counterarguments to cover this topic in your essay.) Positive features of communism. Why Equal Rights Amendments for women failed. The idea is not to convince readers of your side (though it would be great!) but to sh...
Should women and men have different rights and responsibilities in spousal relationships? Should people undergo testing to become parents? Can same-sex parenting negatively influence a child’s mentality? Is gender equality in US politics possible? Is humanity ready to contact aliens? Should governments...
Free Essay: “When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.”(Michelle Obama). Education is a cital practice which has shaped...
What are good argumentative essay topics? What makes a compelling topic for an argumentative essay? Learn these and other answers here!?