必应词典为您提供argumentstructure的释义,网络释义: 论元结构;论辩结构;
论元结构(argument structure)反映的是一个句子最基本的事件信息:什么人,对什么对象,做了什么事。中学时学习汉语语法,常说“主谓宾,定状补”,分析病句,常常要把“定状补”这些枝叶砍去,剩下的“主谓宾”,即是句子的主干。 要研究语言,必须先把理论大厦的地基打牢,而论元结构,正是这样的地基。 论元结构包含两种...
Argument structure(论元结构)是语言学中用来描述一个动词(或其他谓词)和其相关成分之间关系的概念。论元结构涉及到一个谓词所需的论元(成分),以及这些论元在句子中的结构和语法角色。以下是对argument structure的详细解释: 1 •主语(Subject):负责执行或承受动作的实体。 •宾语(Object):动作的直接受事者或影响...
1) argument structure 题元结构 1. The subject and object are representations of theargument structureand syntactic operations;hence identification of them should be carried out at the semantic and syntactic levels. 主语和宾语是谓词题元结构和句法操作结果的表征,识别主宾语必须从语义和句法两个层面展开。
1) argument structure 论元结构 1. The discourse pragmatics ofargument structurein Chinese procedural discourse; 操作语体中动词论元结构的实现及语用原则 2. Mandarin Early Verb Acquisition: Category, Argument Structure, and Syntactic Cues 普通话儿童早期动词习得:范畴、论元结构与句法线索 ...
Argument Structure is a contribution to linguistics at the interface between lexical syntax and lexical semantics. It formulates an original and highly predictive theory of argument structure that accounts for a large number of syntactic phenomena, and it will interest linguists who focus on the natur...
从大的方面看, 语言不过就是分为词汇(Lexicon)和语法(Syntax)。语法的核心就是动词结构(Argument Structure)。跟从我们的动词结构系列,持之以恒地练习,可以形成对所有动词结构直觉反应,学一知十,触类旁通。发音基本词系列仍会继续交叉制作。请发电子邮件至ben.do
Argument structure is the grammatical information of a predicate needed to derive the grammatical functions it takes, as well as their association to semantic roles. This information underlies the various structures in which the predicate is used. Argument structure is part of the interface between ...
1) argument structure 论证结构 1. From the early 1960s to the mid1980s,most scholars supposed Darwin followed some types of single method of science,they believed there was a unifyargument structurein the Origin of Species. 20世纪60年代到80年代中期,学界多是事先假定达尔文遵循着某种单一的科学方...
meaning of the verb. The array of participants associated with verbs and other predicates, and how these participants are mapped to syntax, are the focus of the study of argument structure." — Melissa Bowerman and Penelope Brown, "Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Argument Structure: Implications ...