错误信息 error: #167: argument of type "uint8_t" is incompatible with parameter of type 指出,在函数调用时,提供的参数类型 uint8_t 与函数期望的参数类型不匹配。这通常发生在C或C++编程中,尤其是当使用Keil等IDE进行嵌入式开发时。 2. 确定错误发生的上下文 该错误通常发生在以下情况之一: 函数调用时参...
typedef char BYTE; uint8_tis defined in stdint.h as follows: typedef unsigned char uint8_t; In Project properties -> Build -> ARM Compiler -> Advanced options -> Runtime Model options: "Chars signed by default" is unchecked "Speci...
Error[Pe167]: argument of type "uint8" is incompatible with parameter of type "INT8U *"问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 错误[pe167]:型“uint8”的说法是不符合类型的参数“INT8U *” 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 错误[pe.167]:参数的类型为“uint8”不符合参数的类型为“int8u*"...
Warning[Pe167]: argument of type "uint8 *" is incompatible with parameter of type "char问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 警告[pe167]:类型“uint8 *”的说法是不符合参数类型“char 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 警告[pe.167]:参数的类型为“没有dhcp服务器8*"是不符合参数的类型为“字...
Incompatibility between error argument of type 'int *' and parameter of type 'uint8_t' The problem I am getting is this: * argument, of type "int " is incompatible with parameter of type "uint8_t" , } Solution 1: The types, C5[1] = {8}; The xxstate indicators should have type...
Is there anyway to convert Byte to uint8_t ? I got this error : ..\Src\user_diskio.c(171): error: #167: argument of type ''const BYTE *'' is incompatible with parameter of type ''uint8_t *'' static void xmit_spi_multi ( const BYTE *p, /* Data...
I converted a project from uVIsion to IAR, and I get an error when I use app_timer_start(); the error says: Error[Pe167]: argument of type "void ( )(void)" is incompatible
aTest.c(290): warning: #167-D: argument of type "volatile uint8_t *" is incompatible with parameter of type "uint8_t *" Test.c( 290) : 警告: #167-D : 类型“挥发性uint8_t的论据*”与类型“uint8_t的参量是不相容的*”[translate]...
用Hall_run( hallHande , angle_pu ,&pAdcData->hall ); 编译 警告#169-D argument of type "const uint16_t *" is incompatible with parameter of type "const uint16_t" 程序不能正常工作 用Hall_run( hallHande , angle_pu , ...
argument of type char * is incompatible with parameter of type lpwstr Aug 9, 2014 at 4:03pm EzraJN (6) I am reading up on a older tutorial on how to make a window and I was told to write this code fragment into WndProc, but I get an error saying: "argument of type char * ...