针对你遇到的错误 error in order(cluster.markers$avg_logfc, decreasing = t) : argument 1 is not a vector,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认cluster.markers$avg_logfc是否为向量类型: 在R中,向量是基本的数据结构之一,而order函数的第一个参数必须是一个向量。我们可以使用is.vector函数来检查clust...
[1] "/Users/user1/opt/miniconda3/bin/Macs2" ReproduciblePeakSet Args$genomeSize: length = 0 NULL ReproduciblePeakSet Args$shift: length = 1 [1] -75 ReproduciblePeakSet Args$extsize: length = 1 [1] 150 ReproduciblePeakSet Args$method: length = 1 [1] "q" ReproduciblePeakSet Args$cutO...
> plot_heatmap(brown_red_trim0, taxa.order = "ontology1", taxa.label = "ontology2", sample.label = "Color", + sample.order = "Color") Error in order(mdf$Abundance, decreasing = TRUE) : argument 1 is not a vector In addition: Warning message: In psmelt(physeq) : The sample va...
str_detect(data1, regex(pattern, ignore_case = FALSE)) 我看到的错误信息是: argument is not an atomic vector; coercing[1] FALSE 当我使用is.vector()来确认数据类型时,它看起来应该没问题: is.vector(pattern) #this returns [1] TRUE as the output 我用于 str_detect 函数的参考文献是https://w...
比如我的报错: 报错1:__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘XXX‘ 首先,尝试将size=400这句话去掉,可以跑通了! BUT,候面跑着跑着会发现出错显示维度不一样。。。故又回来改↓ 将size=400改成vector_size=400,可以顺利跑通了! 报错2:'tuple' object is no...一文...
It shows an error when I am checking whether my input argument vector is a uint8 or not? Code: ThemeCopy function[output,table]=norm2lzw(vector,maxTableSize,restartable) If ~isa(vector,'uint8') Error('input argument must be a uint8 vector') End ... Error is bei...
If ma_values is not NULL, the table is splitted: keys are stored in ma_keys and values are stored in ma_values */ PyObject **ma_values; 此外,“splitted”模式还有2个条件,与类属性吻合: Only string (unicode) keys are allowed. ...
比如我的报错: 报错1:__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘XXX‘ 首先,尝试将size=400这句话去掉,可以跑通了! BUT,候面跑着跑着会发现出错显示维度不一样。。。故又回来改↓ 将size=400改成vector_size=400,可以顺利跑通了! 报错2:'tuple' object is no... 查看原文 含有意外关键字“...
This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. simd_shuffle intrinsic: allow argument to be passed as vector (not ju… Browse files …st as array) RalfJung committed Aug 13, 2024 1 parent e3da824 commit 6ad03a7 ...
It seems that the cell numbers from cells(x, y) cannot be matched with the values in a provided y vector, since the cell numbers are sorted. Shouldn't the cell numbers be sorted in correspondence with the provided vector (in case y is indeed a vector), so that both vectors can be ...