Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> dubitable controvertible disputable problematical equivocal iffy moot fishy questionable maintainable defendable defensible justifiable ...
Synonym: debatable disputable moot 2 capable of being supported by argument 数据来源:WordNet 双语例句 1 It 's arguable that the government has no right to interfere in this matter . 说政府无权干预这一事件是有论据的。 2 It is arguable whether the case should have ever gone to trial . ...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> incontestibleincontestableinarguableunarguable adj Synonyms for unarguable adjagainst which no argument can be made Synonyms inarguable Related Words incontestable incontestible Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. ©...
arguable 英英释义 adj open to argument or debate e.g.that is a moot question Synonym: debatable disputable moot capable of being supported by argument arguable[ˈɑ:gjuəbl] 中文翻译 1 adj. 可论证的;可议的;可疑的 英语释义 1
TheOxford Learner’s Thesaurusexplains the difference between groups of similar words. Try it for free as part of theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp not certain; that you do not accept without questionsynonymdebatable it is arguable whether…It is arguable whether the case should ever...
Which is a synonym for GRAMMAR? principles fortitude cupidityTAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUTDerived forms of unarguable unarguably, adverbWords Nearby unarguable unappreciated unapproachable unappropriated unapproved unapt unarguable unargued unarm unarmed unartistic unary ...
The word I almost used there was "reinvented", a fashionable synonym for "changed". Those who followed Dylan's progress through the Sixties and early Seventies will know that he, or at least those who chronicled that progress, invented the modern application of the term. It was intended to...