- prog -- The name of the program 程序名(default: sys.argv[0]) - usage -- A usage message (default: auto-generated from arguments) - description -- A description of what the program does描述程序的功能 - epilog -- Text following the argument descriptions参数描述文本 - parents父解析器 -...
It returns a list of arguments parsed from this string. The method is called once per line read from the argument file, in order. A useful override of this method is one that treats each space-separated word as an argument. The following example demonstrates how to do this: class My...
It returns a list of arguments parsed from this string. The method is called once per line read from the argument file, in order. A useful override of this method is one that treats each space-separated word as an argument. The following example demonstrates how to do this: class My...
usage: argparse_subparsers.py [-h] {list, create, delete} ... positional arguments: {list, create, delete} commands list List contents create Create a directory delete Remove a directory optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9....
The number of seconds between sending bytes : 1.200000 The number of bytes to send at a time : 10. 使用方法: 1、导入argparse模块 import argparse 2、创建argparse对象 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 3、添加命令行相关参数、选项 parser.add_argument("...") ...
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SIMPLE_VALUE Store a simple value -c Store a constant value -t Set a switch to true -f Set a switch to false -a COLLECTION Add repeated values to a list -A Add different values to list ...
It returns a list of arguments parsed from this string. The method is called once per line read from the argument file, in order. A useful override of this method is one that treats each space-separated word as an argument. The following example demonstrates how to do this: class My...
argparse_arguments.py: error: argument count: invalid int value: 'some' $ python argparse_arguments.py usage: argparse_arguments.py [-h] count units argparse_arguments.py: error: too few arguments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ...
int compoundParamsList(int argc, char *argv[]){argparse::ArgumentParser program;program.add_argument("-a").default_value(false).implicit_value(true);program.add_argument("-b").default_value(false).implicit_value(true);program.add_argument("-c").nargs(2).default_value(std::vector<float>{...
parser.add_argument("screenName",help="Specifies the screen name of the is will be deleted")parser.parse_args()userAuth=zabbixAuth.zabbix_auth()token=userAuth.user_login()screenObj=zabbixScreen.zabbix_screen()screenidList=screenObj.screen_get(token,sys.argv[1])ifscreenidList!=None:print"scree...