检查网络连接:确保你的设备可以访问互联网,并且没有防火墙或路由规则阻止Argo Tunnel的连接。 更新Argo Tunnel客户端:确保你使用的是最新版本的Argo Tunnel客户端。你可以在Cloudflare的官方文档中找到最新版本的下载链接。 检查配置文件:确保你的Argo Tunnel配置文件(通常是config.yml)中的设置是正确的,特别是与你的Clou...
Verify DNS configuration: Finally, ensure the DNS configuration is correct. Furthermore, verify that the domain name is correctly pointing to the IP address assigned to our Cloudflare tunnel. Let us know in the comments if you need further help to resolve Error 1033. [Need assistance with a d...
Describe the issue Issue: "Argo Tunnel error" when using demo via https://llava.hliu.cc/ => demo is not working
Why does the following error appear? 2021-06-03T03:06:06Z ERR Couldn't start tunnel error="lookup protocol.argotunnel.com on read udp x.x.x.x:53135-> no such host" lookup protocol.argotunnel.com on read...