altered specificityarginine‐rich motifdisordered proteinfitness landscapeHIV Revneutral evolutionRNA‐protein interactionArginine-rich motifs (ARMs) bind RNA structures with high affinity and specificity, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exploits ARM-RNA interactions to regulate its lifecycle. The ...
RNA recognition by arginine‐rich peptide motifsRNA recognitionRNA binding proteinsarginine-rich motifA ubiquitious class of RNA‐binding proteins is distinguished by an arginine‐rich motif. Such proteins function in transcription, translation, RNA trafficking, and packaging. Peptide models are derived ...
RNautophagy DNautophagy Arginine-rich motif LAMP2C Abbreviations ARM arginine-rich motif RDA RNautophagy/DNautophagy 1. Introduction Lysosomes are the sites for degradation of various macromolecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates [1], [2]. Processes in which intracellular ...
"Oligomers of the arginine-rich motif of the HIV-1 TAT protein are capable of transferring plasmid DNA into cells." J Biol Chem 278(13): 11411-8.Rudolph C, Plank C, Lausier J et al. Oligomers of the arginine-rich motif of the HIV-1 TAT protein are capable of transferring plasmid ...
2004. Nuclear local- ization of the adenovirus E4orf4 protein is mediated through an argin- ine-rich motif and correlates with cell death. Oncogene 23:7458 -7468. MJ, Gallouzi IE, Lavoie JN, Branton PE. 2004. Nuclear localiza- tion of ...
Intrinsically disordered proteins rich in cationic amino acid groups can undergo Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation (LLPS) in the presence of charge-balancing anionic counterparts. Arginine and Lysine are the two most prevalent cationic amino acids in protei
This chart shows the relative category distribution of proteins with symmetrically di-methylated arginine identified from peptides generated from a MethylScan® LC-MS/MS experiment of mouse embryo using PTMScan® Symmetric Di-Methyl Arginine Motif [sdme-RG] Im...
Symmetric Di-Methyl Arginine Motif [sdme-RG] MultiMab® Rabbit mAb mix Filter: WB Western blot analysis of MCF7 cells, untreated (-) or treated with Adenosine-2', 3'-dialdehyde (AdOx, 100 μM, 24 hr; +) using Symmetric Di-Methyl Arginine Motif [sdme-RG] MultiMab...
The structure of the complex formed by the arginine-rich motif of the transcriptional antitermination protein N of phage λ and boxB RNA was determined by heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. A bent α helix in N recognizes primarily the shape and negatively charged surface of the boxB ...
The binding activity of HCV NS3 helicase to the viral RNA was drastically reduced with the mutation at Arg1488 (R1488A) and was also affected by the K1236E substitution in the AX(4)GKS motif and the R1490A and GR1490DT mutations in the arginine-rich motif. Previously, Arg1490 was ...