Changes in floristic diversity and stand damage of tropical forests caused by logging operations in North Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiv. J. Biol. Div. 2022, 23, 6358–6365. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications...
I read a press report that Brazil's tourism minister was illegally using a government driver as his wife's private chauffeur. By the time I arrived in Brasilia seven hours later, the minister had already been sacked. What a difference with what is happening in many other Latin American count...
Finding the productive sweet spots in the vapour and transitional vapour–liquid dominated geothermal fields of Java, Indonesia. In: Proceedings world geothermal Congress. 2015. Borzotta E, Caselli AT, Mamani MJ. Magma Chamber Associated to Deep Faults in Copahue Active Volcanic Complex, South ...
The Malay are an Austronesian ethnic group found in modern-day Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. This incongruity with the cultural origin of the name of the creature and the location it was allegedly discovered may also indicate its hoax status. Capture There are two competing account...
Walked around town + saw a "Ruca" — a traditional Mapuche home with these statues out front that reminded me of the Ngadhu in Flores [Indonesia]—representing female ancestral figures. Went down to the lake, saw weird birds + a spectacular view of Pucon. + another volcano in the distance...
Get time Difference Between Padang Indonesia and Buenos Aires Argentina over the year, and hour by hour check list of the time difference