Argentina elections: How will the youth vote? Libertarian Javier Milei’s surprising success in Argentina’s primary elections Argentina Primary Elections 2023: Libertarian candidate surprises by leading presidential race Buenos Aires’ rent crisis: What 3 pre-candidates for mayor plan to do if elected...
BUENOS AIRES, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Argentina will hold the general election for the 2023-2027 presidential term on Oct. 22, the National Electoral Chamber announced Thursday. Mandatory primary elections are scheduled for Aug. 13. Political parties can present one list of primary candidates and v...
But if Milei wins and voters also elect libertarian-minded candidates to the legislature, those mistakes can be unwound and their country can once again become one of the richest nations in the world. P.S. I joked in 2011 about Argentina being a “libertarian paradise.” Maybe, just maybe,...
Milei criticized a political ruling class that he said was responsible for a system that used unfair tax systems to force “the redistribution of wealth at gunpoint.” The president of Argentina also congratulated Trump on his “resounding victory”in the election,...
3BBVAResearch/ArgentinaEconomicOutlook–October2023 Mainmessages.Argentina ThemostvotedcandidateintheprimaryelectionswasJavierMileiof“LaLibertadAvanza”,who hadbeenplaced3rdinthepolls.ThissurprisingresultleavesthegeneralelectionsonOctober22 wideopen,inviewofthesmalldifferencesbetweenthe3mainpartiesandtheflowofnewvotes...
TV reality star who came along and surprised the establishment with this populist groundswell. And then the Clinton regime thought that she would beat him easily, and so they wanted him versus Scott Walker and Jeb Bush and all the other candidates. And then they were just surprised. I mean,...
Perez is referring to the so-called primaries, open, simultaneous, and mandatory (PASO in its Spanish acronym) elections: under Argentina’s electoral law, parties must hold primaries open to all voters to choose their candidates to the presidential election ...