Sensarma S, Palme H (2013) Silicate liquid immiscibility in the ~ 2.5 Ga Fe-rich andesite at the top of the Dongargarh large igneous province (India). Lithos 170-171:239-251Sensarma, S, Palme, H (2013) Silicate liquid immiscibility in the ~ 2.5 Ga Fe-rich andesite at the top...
【“机械侠”小松收购美矿山设备商久益环球】近日,小松通过美国子公司向美国久益环球发起收购,以每股28.3美元的价格全面收购后者已发行所有股票,收购案价值达37亿美元。这是日本公司海外并购最新一笔交易,也是采矿设备行业力求业务整合所做出的最新努力。O网页链接 ...
Evolution of ca. 2.5 Ga Dongargarh volcano-sedimentary Supergroup, Bastar craton, Central India: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology, bulk-rock geochemistry and Hf-Nd isotope systematicsdoi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.11.014Tarun C. Khanna...
The Dongargarh Supergroup is a major volcano-sedimentary sequence in the Bastar craton, central India. For nearly six decades, it was presumed that the extensive lava pile in the Dongargarh Supergroup has accumulated over a protracted duration of magmatic eruptions spanning from early ...
(t=2.5 Ga) isotopic compositions in the four volcanic formations are positive and range from +0.31 to +6.26, which is consistent with their generation from juvenile mantle sources.On the basis of Nb concentrations and rare earth element systematics, the basalts in the Dongargarh Supergroup can ...
Late-stage evolution of the Dongargarh large igneous province (LIP) has led the conditions that give rise to liquid immiscibility.SarajitSensarmaandHerbertPalmeSDOSLithosSensarma, S. & Palme, H., 2013. Silicate liquid immiscibility in the ~ 2.5 Ga Fe-rich andesite at the top of the Dong...