步骤1:编写Dockerfile 首先,我们需要编写一个Dockerfile,该文件描述了如何构建Docker镜像。Dockerfile是一个文本文件,其中包含一系列的指令,用于配置和构建Docker镜像。 以下是一个示例Dockerfile: FROMubuntu:latestMAINTAINERYour Name <your-email@example.com># 设置工作目录WORKDIR/app# 复制应用程序到工作目录COPY. ...
However, we can pass a value forTHEARGon the build command line using the--build-argargument. Notice that we now seeTHEARGhas been replaced withfooin the output: => CACHED [1/2] FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest@sha256:8a37d68f4f73ebf3d4efafbcf66379bf3728902a8038616808f04e 0.0s ...
AnARGvariable definition comes into effect from the line on which it is defined in theDockerfilenot from the argument’s use on the command-line or elsewhere. For example, consider this Dockerfile: ARG变量从 Dockerfile 中定义的行开始生效,而不是从命令行或其他地方的自变量使用开始。例如,考虑以下...
[root@docker ~]# docker run -it centos:7 bash [root@docker ~]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES eca17c89df56 centos:7 "/bin/bash" 27 seconds ago Up 27 seconds great_galileo #-v : 挂载目录到容器中 [root@docker ~]# docker run -it -v /tmp:/tmp c...
Then, assume this image is built with this command: 然后,假定此镜像是使用以下命令构建的: $ docker build --build-arg CONT_IMG_VER=v2.0.1 . In this case, theRUNinstruction usesv1.0.0instead of theARGsetting passed by the user:v2.0.1This behavior is similar to a shell script where a ...
However, we can pass a value for THEARG on the build command line using the --build-arg argument. Notice that we now see THEARG has been replaced with foo in the output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 => CACHED [1/2] FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest@sha256:8a37d68f4f73ebf3d4efafbcf66379...
ARG 设置 ENV 无效的原因:ARG 的作用范围 Dockerfile 如下: ARG BASE_IMAGE ARG VARIABLE=test FROM...
使用带用户密码clone的方式: git clone https://username:password@remote 当username和password中含有特殊...
There is a special character "|" in the command line argument of the mcrouter container. 1. deploy the VCH (succeed) 2. docker -H run --name mcd1 -d memcached:latest -u root (succeed) 3. docker -H run -p 5000:5000 --name mcrouter studiosol...
Then, assume this image is built with this command:然后,假定此镜像是使⽤以下命令构建的:$ docker build --build-arg CONT_IMG_VER=v2.0.1 .In this case, the RUN instruction uses v1.0.0 instead of the ARG setting passed by the user:v2.0.1 This behavior is similar to a shell ...