Arena Breakout : Infinite 是一款免費的超逼真寫實的硬派軍事模擬撤離式射擊遊戲。為了獲得戰利品,玩家需要活著撤離戰鬥區域,在射擊、掠奪和突圍中獲勝。 玩家可以和敵人正面交鋒,也可隱藏起來埋伏敵人,或避免交戰去搜尋高價值物資。 在這款身臨其境的戰地模擬遊戲中,
Arena Breakout: Infinite pushes the limits of strategic warfare and tactical firefights. Load up and check your gear twice - every bullet counts in the Dark Zone. Survive and extract! With realistic visuals and true-to-life audio, push through tough battles where the stakes are high and the...
and some of the game’s design wasn’t easy to understand by those who have not been exposed to military first-person shooters. However, many of Arena Breakout’s seemingly complex systems do not have to be mastered from the get-go. Players will gradually familiarize themselves as they ...
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