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Arena Breakout: Infinite is an immersive tactical extraction FPS. Join a fight to shoot, loot, and raid your path to fortune. With realistic visuals and true-to-life audio, push through tough battles where the stakes are high and the rewards even higher. ...
Arena Breakout: Infinite is an immersive tactical extraction FPS. Join a fight to shoot, loot, and raid your path to fortune. With realistic visuals and true-to-life audio, push through tough battles where the stakes are high and the rewards even higher.
官方网址: 厂商: 暗区突围:无限(,即暗区突围轻量版本,一款第一人称射击类手游听起来非常刺激和有趣!玩家扮演特种部队成员,执行各种任务,这种紧张的情节肯定会吸引到很多玩家。丰富的装备和武器选择以及多样化的游戏模式也能够让玩家享受到不同的游戏体验,增加了游...
【Arena Breakout: Infinite】一款很不错的枪战游戏,可以为玩家带来更加精彩无比的挑战乐趣,十分爽快的战斗体验。有着各种枪支武器,可以让你解锁和使用,还有丰富内容等待您发现,为玩家的游戏体验带来多彩多样的内容情节。游戏地图都是非常多,每张地图都有不同的地形和
Join lead game designer Bryan Li for a look at the content available during Arena Breakout: Infinite’s current Early Access phase. Li gives a breakdown of the new Armory map, the addition of overcast weather, and more from this tactical extraction shooter. Aren...
ARENA BREAKOUT INFINITE游戏是一款射击竞技游戏,在这款游戏中玩家将会步入暗区,在这里你将会接受最为严格的生存战斗考验。游戏采用真实的腰射操作,加之精细模拟的后坐力与弹道散布,而且让玩家感受到最为精湛且有难度的射击体验。 游戏特点: 1、强调真实感与操作技巧给玩家最强射击模拟; ...
Arena Breakout : Infinite 是一款免費的超逼真寫實的硬派軍事模擬撤離式射擊遊戲。為了獲得戰利品,玩家需要活著撤離戰鬥區域,在射擊、掠奪和突圍中獲勝。 玩家可以和敵人正面交鋒,也可隱藏起來埋伏敵人,或避免交戰去搜尋高價值物資。 在這款身臨其境的戰地模擬遊戲中,
Arena Breakout: Infinite is an immersive tactical extraction FPS. Join the fight to shoot and loot your path to fortune. With realistic visuals and true-to-life audio, push through tough battles where the stakes are high and the rewards even higher.
腾讯旗下工作室MoreFun公布了《竞技场突围:无限(Arena Breakout: Infinite)》,这是一款基于“超现实沉浸式军事模拟游戏”的多人第一人称射击游戏,将登陆PC平台。BETA封闭测试将于5月初通过Steam和客户端下载进行。 《竞技场突围:无限》是改编自屡获殊荣超真实沉浸式军事模拟游戏系列。凭借无与伦比的枪械定制和...