three scenarios were developed to identify priority restoration areas. In Beijing, restoring 30% of the degraded area (1531 km2) in priority areas by 2050 could increase the annual ecological benefit by more than 5 billion yuan, or approximately 787 million USD, and could decrease the ecological ...
While the biggest threats from tourism to the PAs in the region include further degradation of sensitive ecosystems and the introduction of non-native species to terrestrial areas, marine ecosystems could be significantly impacted by introductions through hull fouling and ballast water. Alterations to ...
The spatial distribution of wilderness-recreation potential in Shenzhen is influenced by various environmental factors. Central and northwestern regions show a positive correlation between Distance to Water (DTW), Residential Density (RD), Urban Camping Site Accessibility (UCSA), and high recreation potent...
projected changes in range under both the A1FI and B1 scenarios for Protected Areas in the mid- & high-northern latitudes exhibit, whereas Protected Areas in the temperate north, tropics, and mid- & high-southern latitudes exhibit less of an increase in mean monthly temperature under the B1 ...
1a). Temperature will increase under all scenarios across global drylands (Fig. 4b). And the multi-model mean temperature for drylands demonstrates that the difference between high and low emission scenarios may reach 0.8 °C by the end of the year 2050 (supplementary Fig. 1b). While ...
“No Net Land Take” is also promoted by the EU Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (European Commission, 2011), in order to mitigate soil sealing and the effects of urban sprawl by 2050. The acknowledgement of the role of soils and their functions in the urban space is seldom if ...
In 2011, the European Commission (EC) put in evidence that an important milestone for the EU should be to reach the goal of no net land take by 2050, and to take under strict control the impact on land-taking processes of the EU policies in the new Structural Funds programming period (...
Monobloc stations can produce up to 3,600 cubic meters of drinking water per day and are "the best possible solution" given the ease of distributing them, said Maliari. For cities with greater needs, like Casablanca, larger desalination plants are also under construction, adding to 12 existing...
2f). The persistence of MHWs in deeper zones—reaching near-permanent states by the end of the century, even under the shifting baseline—highlights the intensifying warming trend observed throughout the water column over the century (Fig. S4). The mean MHW intensity within the MPAs was ...
In the HUG scenario, the predominant land uses will include roads, water bodies, and urban green spaces. Conversely, in the MUG and EUG scenarios, the largest areas will be allocated to agricultural land, forests, and semi-compact pasturelands.Springer Berlin HeidelbergInternational Journal of ...