Bangalore (Humboldt 1416, 4779-2621). This popular bar has a small seven-table Indian restaurant on its second floor that serves the best curry dishes in Buenos Aires. The prices are decent for the amount of food you get, and the wine and beer lists are extensive. You will have to...
Mohd R, Malik I (2017) Sanitation and hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices in urban setting of Bangalore: a cross-sectional study. J Community Med Health Educ 7:540 Article Google Scholar Mor S, Kaur K, Ravindra K (2013a) Growth behavior studies of bread wheat plant exposed to Munic...
Hand-dug wells in comparison with deep boreholes are relatively cheap to construct, require fewer numbers of workforces, make use of low-scale technology, and can be sited in most geological and urban settings (Egboka et al.1988; Ayantobo et al.2013; Mbaka et al.2017). Hand-dug well ...
An elasticity analysis of the Leslie matrix identified the under one year olds to be the life history stage with the greatest proportional effect on the change of the dominant eigenvalue λ, accounting for almost a third of the elasticity (e = 0.31) as all elasticities sum to one [44...
Socio-Demographic Variations in Mode Choice Preferences of Peri-Urban and Urban Areas—A Case Study of Bangalore From a social equity perspective, there was a huge scope for promotion of public transport and non-motorized transport in the peri-urban areas. Further,... TM Rahul,A Verma - Conf...
01 Infineon key data as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30 (under U.S. GAAP) 1 Fiscal year from October 1 to September 30 Net sales by region Germany Other Europe North America Asia-Pacific Japan Other 2007 € millions 4,074 907 888 564 1,450 213 52 As %...
CaiiK observations of the Sun have a great potential for probing the Sun's magnetism and activity, as well as for reconstructing solar irradiance. The Kodaikanal Solar Observatory (KoSO) in India, houses one of the most prominent CaiiK archives, spanning from 1904 to 2007, obtained under the...
Bangalore uses AI to monitor traffic and provide real-time information to drivers, helping them choose alternative routes and avoid the most congested areas [12]. Regione Piemonte, one of the twenty administrative regions of Italy, located in the north–west, has recently reviewed its Air Quality...
The spectral angle was set to 0.12 for all the classes, which is slightly above the default value of 0.10 and permitted avoiding potential under classifications. The resulting maps were evaluated for a single built-up class grouping all the identified classes of interest. In the second step, ...
This apparently simple problem has a number of intricacies: turn maneuvers of the UAV should not “cut” into the shape of the area under observation, maximal distance between consecutive path lines has to be respected and, not in the least, the UAV operational costs (energy, time of travel...